Tuesday, August 28, 2007

If Prizio did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him

~Gauche is back in town. He's infuriating and indispensable. The world is right again, as I can view the Solip and reassure myself of our existence on a regular basis.


Daniel Silliman said...

Of course, the secret is that we did invent the solip.

Considering the solip turns out to be Prizio, the most superego-tortured superego ever, I'd say we did a bang up job.

Anonymous said...

We have to go a wedding this weekend. So we won't make hillsdale...but I'm probably going to get really drunk a weepy and call you anyway.

-the finites

Metz said...

When do you NOT get drunk and weepy and call me? ;)