Saturday, August 11, 2007

Go see the Bourne Ultimatum right now

Seriously, drop what you're doing and go see it. You owe it to yourself to catch this on the big screen. I'm going to have to go back and re-watch what I previously considered to be the all-time best action flicks (The Killer, Hard-Boiled, Die Hard, etc), but walking out of the theater last week I had to rank Bourne 3 at or near the top of the list.
Basically, B3 makes the decision that you're already invested in the characters from the first two movies, so they're free to devote the entire movie to absolutely brilliant action sequences. And they're some of the best I've ever seen. The first of the three big sequences, in London's Waterloo station, is a fantastic game of fast-moving chess in terms of trying to lose a concerted tailing effort. The second, the motorcycle/foot chase in Tangiers, is one of the best action sequences I've ever seen, in terms of set-up, editing, direction, action, music - everything. Absolute work of art. And the third big one, the car chase in New York, is a pure adrenaline that's right up there with the car chase in Ronin, even if it never slows down long enough for you to catch up to it.
If you love well crafted action, like I do, go see this NOW!

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